There are loads of benefits that come with learning music, but it can also be quite challenging. Because of these challenges, it can be hard to figure out how to stay motivated.

Whether in practical or in theory practice, moving forward can be daunting. There’s loads to learn and remember, but it’s always super rewarding at the end of the day. Here are some tips on how to stay motivated in your music studies:

Schedule time for practice
Progressing is hard if practice is not done, so it’s important to fit in regular and consistent practice sessions between lessons. The more days that go by with no practice, the more likely you are to forget certain details and tips that your teachers give you, which will make it even harder to get back on track. Weekly lessons are not quite enough – it’s the work done at home that helps you to progress fast.

Avoid missing lessons
Ok, so practising at home is a must, but lessons are also of extreme importance as they provide you with the momentum and consistency that you need to drive you forward and see the progress, apart from the initial education itself. Missing lessons often can hold you back from going forward and solving any uncertainties you might have. Whether you take individual or group music tuition, avoid missing out on lessons as much as possible.

Speak to your teacher
A good and experienced teacher will be sure to address any issues such as loss of interest, slow progress, or other problems. Our music teachers here at School of Popular Music have a number of tricks up their sleeve that will help students stay motivated and keep progressing. It’s important that if you have any questions, problems, or wishes, to speak to your teacher about them and discuss them together.

Stay inspired with music
It’s understandable that practising can get frustrating at times, especially when you’re stuck. Help yourself by listening to music that features the instrument you’re learning. Listening to your kind of music can inspire you to listen, practise, and enjoy it more. Perhaps you can also set goals of certain pieces that you would like to learn, which will then motivate you to work towards them.

Don’t give up
There will always be moments or days when you just don’t feel like practising or even continuing – but don’t give up! It is perfectly normal to experience certain struggles and setbacks, but with a bit of work, effort, and communication, these hurdles can be overcome easily.

If you’re working towards a music exam, click here for some tips on how to prepare for it. If you liked our tips on how to stay motivated, click here to check out more tips and cool facts, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Interested in starting or sending your child for music tuition in Guernsey? Get in touch with the School of Popular Music today!

Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Website by Ross.