Everyone enjoys singing – whether in the shower, in the car, in front of the mirror, while doing chores, or on stage. In Part 1, we mentioned a few techniques that can help to give you a stronger singing voice including good posture, correct breathing, and hydration. Here are a few more:

Get your facial muscles working
Did you know that we have 43 muscles in our face alone? When singing, we use a great portion of these in addition to loads of other muscles in our entire body. In order to obtain a stronger singing voice and improve your overall skills, aim to minimize the effort required to sing while effectively controlling your tone and pitch.

To help achieve this goal, warming up your voice and your muscles is essential. Apart from your vocal scales and breathing exercises, engage your facial muscles by yawning, stretching your jaw, rolling your tongue, and making lots of different facial expressions.

Practise, practise, practise
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will a strong voice be. Whether you want to get a stronger singing voice just because you enjoy singing or because you want to take it to a professional or at least public level, practising will be one of your best friends along the way.

Find your own space – ideally somewhere with a mirror and good acoustics – where you can move around freely, relax, breathe, warm up, and sing your heart out without disturbing anyone or being disturbed.

Find what works for you
Everyone has different tastes and different abilities, and finding the balance between your favourite music and your voice type can be challenging. Although it’s always good to try to broaden your horizons and become as versatile as possible, it’s extremely important that you don’t push yourself too far that you strain your voice, as this can lead to damage in your vocal cords.

Explore different styles and see what you’re comfortable singing, what suits your voice, and what makes you feel good. If you’re having a hard time figuring this out, or would like to obtain a more versatile and stronger singing voice, get in touch with the School of Popular Music in Guernsey to find out more about the singing lessons we offer.

Apart from singing lessons, we also offer music lessons in a variety of different instruments for all ages and abilities. Click here to find out more.

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Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Website by Ross.