When your child begins to show an interest in music, you’ll start wondering what instrument to choose. Although every instrument has its benefits, sending your child to singing lessons is an excellent introduction to musical education and is often less intimidating and demanding than learning an instrument, especially for children. Below, we’ve gathered information on what to expect as well as how to prepare your child for singing lessons.

What to Expect

Singing lessons require the same amount of focus and commitment to practice as any other instrument. So if you feel like your child isn’t ready to learn an instrument, your child probably isn’t ready to start singing lessons either.
Singing lessons are a very physical practice with a lot of detail being given to posture and breathing technique. Some lessons may even involve stretching to warm up the body.

The lessons will introduce the students to musical concepts and some music theory in order to build a stable foundation and introduce the students to any skills necessary for learning instruments. A singer should expect to gain as much musical education as someone who plays the piano or the guitar.

How to Prepare

Singing lessons typically include training in vocal warm-ups and more technical exercises such as learning new vocal styles. Although many children expect to learn the second aspect only, warm-ups and breathing techniques are necessary and are extremely rewarding.

Before your child’s first lesson, ask him/her the following questions which will benefit both the student and the teacher:

• What inspired you to start singing lessons?
• Do you have any previous experience with music?
• What styles of music do you enjoy? What are your favourite singers?
• Are there any specific songs you’d like to learn? Are you open to new styles?
• What goals would you like to achieve?

Singing lessons will, without a doubt, be beneficial to your child in many wonderful ways. Lessons should be treated as a joyful experience and a way to express yourself, not as a way of becoming famous. Singing lessons don’t just offer musical education, but they also offer a way for children to reach their capabilities and gain confidence.

If you’d like to introduce your child to singing lessons, why not visit The School of Popular Music in Guernsey. We offer different classes to cater to everyone’s needs, ranging from beginners to more advanced levels.

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Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Music for everyone
Delancey Campus
St Sampsons
Registered in Guernsey
Company No. 57800
Website by Ross.